10 Prehistoric Creatures That Might Be Alive Today!

The world is a fascinating place, and throughout history, life on Earth has gone through cycles of evolution and extinction. It’s the way our planet works. Dominant species rise and fall, and eventually, they become extinct. However, there are always exceptions. Some creatures manage to defy the odds and survive through various mass extinctions that have occurred throughout prehistory. Today, we are going to explore ten prehistoric creatures that just might still be alive to this very day.

10 Prehistoric Creatures That Might Be Alive Today!
10 Prehistoric Creatures That Might Be Alive Today!

10. The Megatherium: Giants Among Sloths

When you think of sloths, you likely imagine small, slow-moving creatures. Yet, during the Ice Age, there were sloths that were far more active and aggressive. One of the largest among them was the Megatherium. These ground sloths could grow up to 20 feet long, longer than many land creatures today, including elephants. While we believe the Megatherium went extinct around 8,500 BC, there is evidence to suggest that these giant sloths may have survived in remote areas. Some even speculate that they could still be roaming unexplored regions of the Amazon to this day.

9. The Mokeli-Mbembe: The African Sauropod

Deep in the swampy jungles of Western Africa, there persist reports of an elephant-sized creature with smooth brownish-grey skin, a long flexible neck, a very long tail as powerful as a crocodile’s, and three clawed feet the size of frying pans. This creature closely resembles a sauropod, the large plant-eating dinosaurs with long necks and tails. While sauropods died out over 70 million years ago, some believe that certain species may have survived the great extinction and continued to exist in unexplored regions. Sightings of this mysterious creature are prevalent in the Congo, where the legend first began. With 80 percent of the Northeast Congo still uncharted, the possibility of these animals surviving cannot be ruled out.

8. The Short-Faced Bear: A Prehistoric Survivor?

The short-faced bear, also known as the giant short-faced bear or the bulldog bear, was a genus of prehistoric bear that ranged across North America until at least 11,000 years ago. This creature may have been one of the largest known terrestrial mammalian carnivores to have ever existed. While it is generally believed to be extinct, there are theories that suggest it may still exist in North America or Russia. Some cryptozoologists speculate that the short-faced bear may be the basis for supposed Bigfoot sightings, especially in the eastern United States. Locals have also reported sightings of these large, bear-like animals with incredible strength in Canada, particularly in Northern British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

7. The Megalania: Reptilian Giant of Australia

The Megalania, also known as the giant ripper lizard, is a very large lizard-like creature that resembles a Komodo dragon. It is believed to inhabit southern Australia and possibly New Guinea. Sightings of this creature have been reported throughout the last century, suggesting that it may have survived in remote areas. In July 1979, footprints of the Megalania were found in a plowed field, indicating its possible existence. While there have been several reported sightings, no scientific proof has been obtained. However, the tales of a 15-foot lizard and its distinctive footprints continue to capture the imagination.

6. The Moa: Extinct or Still Roaming New Zealand?

When humans first arrived in New Zealand, they encountered giant wingless birds known as Moas. These birds were unlike any other flightless birds, as they had lost their wing bones completely. The largest Moa species could reach up to 12 feet in size, making them larger than any other bird on the island. While Moas are believed to have become extinct between the late 1300s and early 1500s due to overhunting, there have been reported sightings of what could be surviving Moas. In the 1840s, Australian bird painter John Gould reported seeing giant kiwis on the South Island of New Zealand, which matched the footprints of fossilized Moas found on the North Island. While no scientific evidence has been found, some argue that small species of Moas may still survive to this day.

5. The Tigre Dorado: Descendant of the Saber-Toothed Tiger?

The Tigre Dorado, which translates from Spanish to “tapir-eating tiger,” is a cryptid cat reported from the montane forests of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, as well as from Paraguay. This large, long-fanged cat is speculated to be a living descendant or a surviving species of the saber-toothed tiger. In 1975, an unusual big cat was allegedly killed in Paraguay, and zoologist Juan Akavar identified it as a living Smilodon weighing 160 pounds, complete with 12-inch fangs. While the authorities declared it a mutant jaguar with a jaw deformation, some believe it was indeed a surviving species. Other sightings of this animal have been reported, including one where a hunter observed a gigantic lizard-like creature walking along his field. These reports contribute to the mystery surrounding the Tigre Dorado.

4. The Woolly Mammoth: A Giant of the Tundra

The Woolly Mammoth is arguably the most iconic creature of the Ice Age. These extinct relatives of elephants roamed North America and Europe until about 1,700 BC. They stood at 9 to 11 feet tall on the shoulder and had impressive curving tusks. While generally accepted as extinct, there have been claims of Woolly Mammoths still alive in the remote areas of the tundra. Native American Indian tribes have passed down tales of a great moose-like creature with an extra limb growing between its shoulder blades, while Siberian tribesmen have reported sightings of large shaggy beasts. While scientific proof is lacking, the legend of the Mammoth lives on.

3. The Gigantopithecus: Our Ancestor or the Elusive Bigfoot?

Thousands of years ago, a massive ape known as Gigantopithecus roamed Asia. Standing at ten feet tall and weighing over a thousand pounds, this creature is believed to have been similar to a large orangutan. While it went extinct a hundred thousand years ago and did not coexist with modern humans in Asia, there are theories that Gigantopithecus may have evolved into the mythical creature we know as Bigfoot. If Gigantopithecus started evolving while still in Asia, it could have become more human-like. Some even suggest that they crossed the Bering land bridge to America, just like our ancestors did. Are the stories of Bigfoot sightings actually a remnant of this ancient giant ape?

2. The Megalodon: Ocean’s Most Feared Predator

The Megalodon, the biggest shark ever to swim the oceans of the world, is the stuff of nightmares. Reaching lengths of 60 feet or more, it preyed on whales and other large marine mammals, making it the apex predator of its time. While the Megalodon is believed to have gone extinct around 1.5 million years ago, there have been occasional reports of monster sharks larger than the known great white sharks, which typically reach up to 21 feet in length. These reports lead to speculation that the Megalodon may still exist in the deep, unexplored parts of the ocean. Though no scientific evidence has been found, the mystery surrounding this ancient predator continues to captivate the imaginations of many.

1. The Plesiosaur: Loch Ness Monster’s Ancestor?

Plesiosaurs were marine reptiles that lived alongside dinosaurs. With various shapes and sizes, the most recognizable are the long-necked creatures with flippers. While it is widely accepted that plesiosaurs went extinct along with the dinosaurs, there are those who believe that some species may have survived. Aquatic monsters matching the description of plesiosaurs have been reported in lakes all over the world, including the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. The theory suggests that a population of plesiosaurs somehow escaped the sea and found its way into lakes. Reports of plesiosaur-like creatures continue, fueling the ongoing speculation about the Loch Ness Monster and similar sightings in other parts of the world.

Do you think any of these creatures might still be alive today? While scientific evidence may be lacking, the tales and reported sightings continue to captivate our imaginations. The world is full of mysteries, and the possibility of prehistoric creatures surviving into modern times adds an extra layer of wonder to our planet’s biodiversity.

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Q: Is there any scientific evidence to support the existence of these prehistoric creatures?
A: While some reports and legends may be intriguing, there is currently no scientific evidence to confirm the existence of these creatures.

Q: How do these prehistoric creatures manage to survive extinction events?
A: The survival of these creatures, if indeed true, could be attributed to their ability to adapt to changing environments or their niche habitats that went unnoticed by humans.

Q: Are there ongoing research efforts to study these creatures or investigate reported sightings?
A: While there have been sporadic investigations and expeditions, the lack of concrete evidence makes it difficult to allocate resources for extensive research.

Q: What impact would the rediscovery of these creatures have on our understanding of evolution and biodiversity?
A: Rediscovering these creatures would challenge our current understanding of extinction and evolution, opening up new avenues for scientific study and expanding our knowledge of Earth’s history.


The possibility of prehistoric creatures still existing in the modern world continues to captivate our imaginations. While scientific evidence is lacking, the legends and reported sightings of these creatures persist. Whether it’s the Megatherium, Mokeli-Mbembe, Short-Faced Bear, Megalania, Moa, Tigre Dorado, Woolly Mammoth, Gigantopithecus, Megalodon, or Plesiosaur, the allure of these ancient creatures surviving into the present day adds an element of mystery to our understanding of life on Earth. Who knows what surprises await us as we continue to explore the uncharted depths of our planet.

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10 Prehistoric Creatures That Might Be Alive Today!

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