Do you remember the taunt that little girls love to recite? “Everything you can do, I can do better.” Well, for some things, it’s certainly true. Here are ten things that women can do that men simply can’t.


Women Can Wear Men’s Clothes

Women can wear men’s clothes, no matter where they’re going. They can get away with wearing just about anything. Whether it’s a dress, a skirt, or even a bikini, women can confidently wear it. And when it comes to going to work, women have absolutely no problem wearing men’s clothes. They can rock men’s pants or even a full suit, and nobody bats an eye. But when it comes to men wearing women’s clothing, it’s a different story. If you saw a man walking down the street wearing a skirt or a dress, you’d probably turn to look or even take a picture to share on social media. No matter how progressive society seems to get, it’s still not fully acceptable for men to just wear women’s clothes.

Women Can Call Each Other Attractive

For some reason, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with women calling other women attractive. Whether they use words like “hot,” “sexy,” or “gorgeous,” it really doesn’t matter. Nobody thinks twice when a woman calls another woman attractive. In fact, women are respected for complimenting other women’s looks in public. But if you ask a guy the same question about another guy, he’ll look at you like you’re nuts. It’s just not cool for men to openly compliment each other’s attractiveness unless the man is gay. It’s almost taboo, and many movies and TV shows make fun of guys complimenting other guys. It’s as if it’s a forbidden territory in the world of men.

Women Can Dance Together

Have you ever seen a group of guys dancing together seductively on the dance floor? Probably not. Men simply don’t dance together. Unless they’re dancing with a woman, they usually stay off the dance floor altogether. But women? They think nothing of dancing together. Whether it’s two women dancing together or a group of four or more, it’s normal. In fact, if you look at any nightclub, chances are you’ll see groups of women dancing provocatively together. They grind on each other and get up close to each other’s bodies. But can you imagine if a couple of guys did this anywhere outside of West Hollywood? They would not only get laughed at but also probably risk getting into a fight.

Women Can Touch Each Other in Public

Not only do men not dance together in public, but they also don’t touch each other in public. Can you imagine if a guy reached out and brushed a crumb off his friend’s cheek or played with his hair in the middle of dinner? It would likely raise some eyebrows and be seen as “gay.” Girls, on the other hand, can even touch each other’s boobs in public, and people don’t even think twice about it. When a girl says she got a boob job, other women ask if they can feel them. Girls can braid each other’s hair and fondle each other, and nobody says a word. Well, except for the guys who love to watch women braid each other’s hair and fondle each other.

Women Have Many Choices for Birth Control

Women have many choices when it comes to birth control. They can go on the pill, have a device implanted in their bodies, wear a diaphragm, or use female condoms. They can also use spermicide or foam to make sure those little swimmers don’t make it through. But what do guys have? Condoms. Nothing but condoms. Women can even take a pill after sex to prevent pregnancy. Men, on the other hand, don’t have as many options when it comes to birth control. It’s just one of the many unfair advantages women have over men.

Women Can Trash Talk About Men

Women are given a pass when it comes to trash-talking men. They can do it privately or in public, make broad pronouncements about men on social media, and even wear t-shirts that say terrible things about men. Women can sing songs about how awful guys are and write books with titles like “Why Men Suck,” and they don’t get in trouble. But if a guy did that, if he said something deplorable or insulting about women in public, he’d get strung up by his testicles. Male actors, musicians, and sports figures know better than to say nasty things about women in public. It could derail their entire careers. But when women do the same thing to men, it’s somehow acceptable.

Women Can Wear Makeup

Most women don’t leave the house without makeup. Whether they’re going to the club, work, or just walking the dog, most women take the time to paint their faces first. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, when we see a professional woman without makeup, we wonder why. But can you imagine if a guy walked around with makeup on or whipped out his tinted lip gloss after lunch? He’d be laughed at, and people would start talking about him. The few guys who do wear makeup are called “emo” or worse. With the exception of news anchors and actors, men just don’t wear makeup.

Women Can Get Pregnant

The biggest thing that women can do that men can’t is getting pregnant. It’s the biggest difference between men and women. Sure, there are lots of things that go along with it like periods, labor pains, and PMS. But all in all, it’s not a bad trade-off. No matter how much research has been done, scientists still haven’t figured out how a man can have a baby, and there’s no reason to think this will change anytime soon. As much as men may say they’d love to be able to have a baby, the reality is that they don’t. They wouldn’t want to go through the cramps, pain, or carry the weight of a baby in their stomach for nine months. So, for now, it’s safe to say that childbirth is one thing women can do that men simply can’t.


In conclusion, women have certain advantages that men can’t easily emulate. From wearing men’s clothes with confidence to freely complimenting each other’s attractiveness without judgment, women have a unique freedom. They can dance provocatively together, touch each other affectionately in public, and enjoy a wide range of birth control options. Women can even trash-talk about men without facing severe consequences or wear makeup without fear of ridicule. And let’s not forget the unparalleled ability to bring life into the world. So, while men may have their strengths and abilities, there’s no denying that women possess certain advantages that are worth celebrating.

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