10 Weirdest Discoveries on Google Maps

Since its introduction in 2005, Google Earth has revolutionized how we explore and understand our planet. From offering stunning views of the world from an outer perspective to allowing us to uncover hidden geographical wonders, this revolutionary tool has given rise to some truly astonishing discoveries. Get ready for a global adventure as we dive into the Top 10 Shocking Discoveries Made on Google Maps that will leave you questioning the world as you know it.

10 Weirdest Discoveries on Google Maps
10 Weirdest Discoveries on Google Maps

10. Island Within an Island Within a Lake Within an Island – Lake Taal, Philippines

A small island nestled within a crater lake, which itself exists within an island called Volcano Island, is a prime example of the geographically stunning features that Google Earth uncovers. Located in Lake Taal, Philippines, this tiny island within an island highlights the unique treasures we can find using this tool. Strangely enough, this phenomenon, believed to be the largest of its kind, was overshadowed by the discovery of an even larger spot in Canada. A remote four-acre space on Victoria Island, which no one had ever set foot on before, came to light with the help of Google Earth. It’s a reminder that there is still so much left to explore in our own backyard.

9. Swastika Geoglyph – Kazakhstan, Central Asia

In the north of Kazakhstan, more than 50 geoglyphs have emerged over time, fascinating researchers and Google Earth explorers alike. Among these geoglyphs is a swastika, which dates back approximately 2,000 years. While the swastika has gained notoriety in recent history, it held a different meaning in ancient times, symbolizing various political beliefs. This particular swastika, carved out of timber, stands out for its size and historical significance. It serves as a reminder of the deeper cultural and historical context that is often overlooked in today’s world.

8. Mysterious Pyramids – Egypt

No trip to Egypt is complete without a visit to the iconic pyramids. But what if you could explore lesser-known pyramids from the comfort of your home? Google Maps’ Earth View allows us to do just that. While these mysterious structures may not be officially recognized pyramids, their presence raises questions about their origins. Are they man-made or the result of natural occurrences? Due to limited resources and other constraints, the Egyptian government has yet to excavate these enigmatic structures fully. Until we have answers, speculation and wonder continue to surround these ancient wonders.

7. Phantom Island – New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean

If you’ve ever been captivated by maps featuring hidden places that suddenly disappear, you’ll be intrigued by the story of Sandy Island. For over a century, this elusive island appeared on numerous maps, including Google Earth. Situated off the northwest side of New Caledonia in the South Pacific, it piqued the curiosity of many, only to disappoint when a group of explorers sailed to this mysterious spot, finding nothing but open water. Sandy Island turned out to be a product of human errors, serving as a cautionary tale about the potential fallibility of cartography.

6. Disturbing Pentagram – Kazakhstan, Central Asia

Symbols carry immense power and meaning, and none is more polarizing than the pentagram. A gargantuan pentagram, measuring roughly 366 meters in diameter, etched into the surface of a remote plot of land in Kazakhstan, sparked controversy and speculation. While some associated it with sinister rituals and satanic cults, this symbol was merely the outline of a star-shaped park. However, the shape’s visibility from aerial views due to the presence of trees and roadways lends an eerie atmosphere to this otherwise harmless symbol.

5. Desert Breath – Egyptian Desert

A mesmerizing spiral, seemingly plucked from the pages of science fiction or ancient civilization, beckons viewers from the Egyptian desert. Created by three artists in 1997, Desert Breath celebrates the desert as a state of mind, representing infinity and the gradual disintegration of human consciousness. Covering one million square feet, this ephemeral artwork offers a unique blend of modern creativity and the raw beauty of nature. As natural erosion slowly erases Desert Breath from the landscape, today’s satellites grant us a chance to appreciate its majesty before it fades away forever.

4. The World’s Largest Word – Persian Gulf

When you’re one of the richest people on earth, you can leave your mark in extraordinary ways. In Abu Dhabi, billionaire Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan decided to make his name visible from space. Carved into the sands of the high sea island he owned in the Persian Gulf, his name stretches half a mile tall and two miles long. This grand display not only showcases the magnitude of his fortune but also serves as a testament to human creativity and ingenuity.

3. Mapvertising – Earth’s Vast Canvas

In a world where advertising infiltrates every aspect of our lives, it’s no wonder that brands have realized the potential of Google Earth’s vast canvas. From a giant Coca-Cola logo made of 70,000 empty bottles in Chile to a KFC logo adorning the extraterrestrial highway in Nevada, companies have strategically placed their messages for the world to see. As avid Google Earth explorers, we can expect more examples of “mapvertising” to pop up, blurring the lines between advertisement and exploration.

2. UFO Crash in Antarctica?

One image that created quite a stir across the internet depicted what appeared to be a UFO crash in the desolate landscape of Antarctica. The image showed a trail of snow behind a strange object measuring approximately 63 meters in length. Speculation and conspiracy theories ran rampant, with some claiming it was irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, a geologist from Keele University proposed a more down-to-earth explanation: an avalanche. The truth behind this enigmatic picture remains hidden, reminding us that satellite images can provide tantalizing glimpses but not definitive answers.

1. Secret Base or Something Else? – Xinjiang Province, China

Deep within the desolate Chinese western desert lies a place that has sparked great curiosity and intrigue. Initially thought to be a secret military base, the structures in this region piqued the interest of many. Although further investigation revealed no signs of a military installation, experts believe it might be a manufacturing center or an economic hub. The absence of barriers and towers suggests a connection to the surrounding area rather than one shrouded in secrecy. This mysterious location leaves us wondering about its true purpose and nature.

Google Earth continues to reshape our understanding of the world, uncovering hidden treasures, and challenging our preconceptions. From natural wonders to man-made mysteries, each discovery serves as a reminder that there is always more to explore and understand. So next time you find yourself immersed in this virtual realm, keep your eyes open for the unexpected, for the world is full of surprises waiting to be unveiled.

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Q: Can Google Earth uncover undiscovered locations?
A: Google Earth relies on existing data and images, so it cannot unveil previously unknown places. However, it can bring attention to overlooked or forgotten locations that were not well-documented or mapped.

Q: Are there any other symbols and shapes discovered on Google Earth?
A: Yes, Google Earth has revealed various symbols and shapes worldwide. From crop circles to giant drawings on the ground, these enigmatic findings continue to captivate and intrigue.

Q: How accurate are the images on Google Earth?
A: The accuracy of the images on Google Earth varies depending on various factors, such as satellite resolution and the quality of the source material. While they provide a remarkable view of the world, it’s important to remember that these images can sometimes present distortions or inaccuracies.


As we traverse the virtual landscape of Google Earth, we embark on a journey of discovery, encountering wonders that challenge our perceptions of the world. From hidden islands within islands to mysterious symbols and unexpected art installations, the revelations that emerge from this digital realm remind us of the vast and diverse tapestry of our planet. Let us continue to embrace the spirit of exploration, for there is always something marvelous waiting to be found.

So, fellow adventurers, what intriguing discoveries have you made on Google Earth? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

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10 Weirdest Discoveries on Google Maps

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