Man Uses Metal Detector In Forest.. And What He Finds Leaves Him With More Questions

Metal Detector

When most people think of metal detecting, they don’t envision it as an adventure on par with Indiana Jones’ escapades. However, Brad Martin, a lifelong metal detector enthusiast from Vermont, has defied expectations and uncovered a treasure trove that would make even the great Dr. Jones envious. Armed with his trusty metal detector, Brad ventured into the woods one fateful day and stumbled upon a discovery that would leave him with more questions than answers.

Man Uses Metal Detector In Forest.. And What He Finds Leaves Him With More Questions
Man Uses Metal Detector In Forest.. And What He Finds Leaves Him With More Questions

A Stroke of Luck in the Forest

Brad’s passion for metal detecting has always been fruitful in his native Vermont. His rapport with the locals enabled him to explore thousands of acres of privately owned land freely. On this particular day, Brad decided to hike into the mountains, drawn to the ruins of an old building. As he arrived, he encountered a large hole, likely the remains of the building’s basement, surrounded by dilapidated stone walls. A sense of anticipation washed over him; he knew his next great find was waiting to be unearthed in the depths of these woods.

The Joy of Discovery Begins

Little did Brad know that the day held unprecedented surprises for him. Almost immediately, he stumbled upon a tomb back button, a relic popular in the 1700s. This discovery alone indicated that previous searchers had missed this treasure, raising the possibility of numerous other hidden gems waiting to be found. Eager to continue his exploration, Brad’s next significant find was a worn copper coin. After careful examination, he concluded it was either a British half penny or a coin from an early colony.

Among the artifacts Brad discovered, one perplexing object stood out. At first, he believed it to be an old clock hand, but later determined it was likely a trigger-guard plate from an ancient musket. Finally, Brad uncovered a large coin with the face of King George II and the word “Konak.” This remarkable find turned out to be a Connecticut copper, minted between 1785 and 1788. Its value alone confirmed Brad’s expedition as a resounding success, but there was still more to come.

The Ultimate Surprise

As evening began to set in, Brad slowly made his way back to his truck, scanning the ground with his metal detector. Suddenly, the device picked up a solid reading just a few yards from the road. Excitement surged through Brad as he prepared to dig. The higher the reading, the more valuable the item below was likely to be. Although he anticipated finding another button, what he uncovered left him astounded.

Unveiling the Coin of Legends

Brushing off the soil with anticipation, Brad revealed a massive silver coin in outstanding condition. It was an 1780 Spanish eight reales, famously known as the “piece of eight” from pirate legends. During the time these Spanish silver coins were minted, the eight reales were the most sought-after and valuable. While legal tender in the U.S. until the 1800s, finding a piece like this, especially in such incredible shape, was truly a one-in-a-million discovery.

Unsettling Revelations

As Brad marveled at his remarkable find, he couldn’t help but grow suspicious. Lingering in his mind was the fact that the coin had registered a reading of 79 on his metal detector, the same as his previous finds. Additionally, someone had carved the initials “D.S.” into the coin’s face. Determined to uncover the truth, Brad delved deeper into his research.

The World of Counterfeit Coins

Brad soon learned that the Spanish eight reales was one of the most counterfeited coins in the world during its circulation. Britain, in particular, had heavily counterfeited these coins as a means to destabilize the Spanish economy during the anglo-spanish war from 1796 to 1808. Despite the possibility that his life-changing find might be a fake, the counterfeit coin still carries a respectable value on the open market.


While Brad’s discovery may not be as financially lucrative as initially hoped, his passion for metal detecting remains undeterred. The thrill of the hunt and the joy of unearthing history keep Brad motivated to continue his expeditions with his trusty metal detector. Who knows what hidden treasures await him in the future?

To explore more intriguing stories of extraordinary discoveries, visit Top X, a platform dedicated to curating the most captivating rankings and narratives across a range of subjects.


1. How did Brad know where to search for treasures?

Brad developed a rapport with the locals in his native Vermont, which allowed him access to privately owned land where he could freely explore with his metal detector. As a result, he has been able to uncover numerous forgotten treasures.

2. Was the Spanish eight reales coin valuable?

The Spanish eight reales coin, commonly known as the “piece of eight,” was considered legal tender in the U.S. until the 1800s. Finding one in such great condition is incredibly rare and carries significant value for collectors.

3. How did Brad discover that the coin may be counterfeit?

Brad grew suspicious when he realized that the reading on his metal detector for the Spanish eight reales coin was the same as his previous finds. Additionally, someone had carved initials into the coin’s face. Further research confirmed that the coin was highly counterfeited during its circulation.

4. Will Brad’s counterfeit coin still fetch a respectable price on the market?

Yes, despite the possibility of the Spanish eight reales coin being counterfeit, it still holds value among collectors and enthusiasts. Its historical significance and rarity contribute to its appeal in the numismatic community.

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Man Uses Metal Detector In Forest.. And What He Finds Leaves Him With More Questions

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