This Woman Tried to Smuggle Something on Airplane but It Gone so Wrong

Air travel can be a fascinating experience. From navigating security checks to finding the perfect seat, we’re all familiar with the routine. But what about those passengers who push the boundaries and try to sneak unusual items onboard? Today, we’re going to explore ten of the strangest things people have attempted to transport on planes. Buckle up and get ready for an eye-opening ride!

This Woman Tried to Smuggle Something on Airplane but It Gone so Wrong
This Woman Tried to Smuggle Something on Airplane but It Gone so Wrong

10. Lemons: When Life Gives You Lemons, Don’t Smuggle Them

Let’s start with a classic case of fruit smuggling. In this instance, a traveler from Hong Kong decided to bring lemons to New Zealand. Now, we all know that traveling internationally with fruit is a bad idea, but this determined individual ignored the warning signs. Astonishingly, she managed to board the plane with six lemons hidden in her trousers. However, her covert operation was foiled when a contraband-sniffing dog sniffed out the citrusy contraband upon landing. The lemons were seized, and the woman was deported back to Hong Kong. Lesson learned: keep your fruit at home.

9. Cow Patties: From Ceremonial Burning to Contraband

In India, cow dung is often burned ceremonially. It’s so prevalent that one can even purchase commercially packed cow patties specifically for this purpose. However, when a passenger attempted to bring cow patties to New Zealand, authorities had to intervene. The risk of foreign seeds, parasites, or diseases that could disrupt the local ecosystem prompted officials to seize and destroy the contraband immediately. Perhaps it’s best to leave the cow patties for the ceremonial pyres.

8. Snakes and Turtles: A Surprising Fashion Statement

When it comes to the illegal exotic pet trade, it seems that some individuals are willing to go to great lengths to transport their forbidden companions. In a baffling attempt, a man flying from Miami to Brazil decided to smuggle seven snakes and three tortoises—wait for it—inside his pants. Unsurprisingly, airport security discovered the slithering and shelled creatures. The animals were confiscated, and the man faced both fines and jail time. While there may not have been “snakes on a plane” in this story, it certainly adds a bizarre twist to the phrase.

7. Cocaine: Smuggling Takes a New and Unusual Turn

Cocaine smuggling is nothing new, but one woman took it to an entirely different level. Traveling from Colombia to Spain, she caught the attention of officials when they noticed she was bleeding from her breasts. A closer examination revealed a shocking discovery—an astonishing one and a half kilos of Colombian cocaine surgically packed into her breasts. This creative yet dangerous attempt at smuggling highlights the lengths people will go for illegal activities.

6. Bird Eggs and Birds: An Unusual Way to Travel

Australia is known for its array of deadly creatures, but not all exotic animals find their way into the country legally. One traveler returning from Dubai was found with a bag of bird eggs and two birds taped to his legs inside padded envelopes. These unusual companions were promptly confiscated, and the man found himself in quarantine. It seems that some individuals are willing to risk it all to bring a piece of their travels home, regardless of the consequences.

5. Human Remains: A Grave Matter

When two young women were returning to the United States from Cuba, their ornamental pots caught the attention of authorities. Upon inspection, it was revealed that the pots contained human bone and skull fragments. While such items are not uncommon in Cuba, where they are used in religious ceremonies, they are strictly prohibited from entering the United States. This eerie discovery showcases the complexities of global travel and the cultural differences that can lead to unexpected moments at the airport.

4. Spiders: Arachnophobia on a Plane

When we think of “spiders on a plane,” it may bring to mind an unnecessary Hollywood blockbuster. However, for customs agents at a German airport, it became a chilling reality. While inspecting the luggage of a couple returning from Peru, they discovered something horrifying—a suitcase filled with 200 live tarantulas, along with hundreds of millipedes, crickets, and grasshoppers. It’s hard to fathom why anyone would want to transport such a creepy-crawly collection, but it seems some individuals have unique interests that defy our understanding.

3. Monkeys: The Pouch Surprise

Our next tale takes us back to Peru, where yet another curious traveler attempted to sneak a surprise onto a plane. This time, it was a young man bound for Mexico City, and his unexpected travel companions were 18 live monkeys hidden inside round socks attached to a specialized girdle. Security officials were astounded by the sight of tiny monkeys emerging from socks, but they swiftly confiscated the animals. It’s safe to say this traveler’s attempt at a monkey surprise didn’t quite go as planned.

2. A Tiger Cub: A Roaring Discovery

While we’ve covered a range of unusual smuggling attempts, this one takes the cake— or should we say, the tiger cub? Palestinian airport security became suspicious when they X-rayed a traveler’s luggage and discovered a two-month-old tiger cub sedated and stuffed inside, surrounded by an assortment of stuffed animals, all tigers. Thankfully, the tiger cub was rescued, and the suitcase of mischievous intentions was swiftly dealt with. It goes without saying that smuggling an entire tiger is not only illegal but also incredibly dangerous for both the animal and unsuspecting travelers.

1. A Grenade: Explosive Luggage

In a stunning turn of events, a soldier accidentally left a military-issued 40 millimeter grenade in his luggage at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Understandably, airport security swiftly intervened. While the situation was eventually resolved, the grenade, designed exclusively for use in grenade launchers, was seized and destroyed. This incident serves as a stark reminder that even those entrusted with protecting our safety can unintentionally cause alarm and disruption.

These ten cases highlight the ingenuity, audacity, and sometimes bizarre choices people make when it comes to smuggling items onto planes. From lemons to monkeys, and even grenades, it’s clear that the line between the unusual and the downright dangerous can be thinner than we imagine. So, next time you’re at the airport, keep an eye out for those peculiar passengers who may be harboring more than just a suitcase full of clothes. And remember, when it comes to air travel, it’s always wise to stick to the legal and the harmless.

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This Woman Tried to Smuggle Something on Airplane but It Gone so Wrong

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