What They Keep As Pets Shocked The Whole World

Hybrid Animals

Have you ever wondered how unique our world can be? Well, one fascinating aspect is the existence of hybrid animals. These creatures blend different species from the animal kingdom, creating truly extraordinary beings that defy conventional boundaries. In this article, we explore the top 15 most bizarre hybrid animals that will leave you both fascinated and intrigued.

What They Keep As Pets Shocked The Whole World
What They Keep As Pets Shocked The Whole World

1. One-Eyed Puppy: A Startling Discovery

Imagine the shock of a dog owner when her beloved pet gave birth to a one-eyed puppy. But the surprises didn’t end there. This extraordinary animal had two tongues and no nose. The owner, a Filipino woman, revealed that her dog actually gave birth to two puppies. While one of them was normal, the other was severely malformed. Sadly, the deformed puppy barely survived a day, succumbing to the complications caused by its condition. The veterinarian suspected that the mother had ingested something toxic during pregnancy, leading to this shocking outcome.

2. Sugar Gliders: The Flying Marsupials

Let’s shift gears to something cheerier – sugar gliders. These delightful creatures are nocturnal marsupials native to New Guinea and Australia. What sets them apart is their large flaps of skin, allowing them to glide through the air effortlessly. Social animals by nature, sugar gliders thrive in pairs and become harsh if left alone for prolonged periods. Interestingly, owning a sugar glider is illegal in some states, requiring an exotic pet permit to prove that it was acquired from a regulated supplier.

3. Mandarin Ducks: Nature’s Waterfowl Masterpiece

Mandarin ducks are considered one of the most breathtaking waterfowl species on our planet. To thrive, they require a sizable six-foot square pond and a six-inch deep enclosure. Regular maintenance, including filtering and cleaning the pond, is necessary to ensure the ducks’ well-being. Although native to East Asia, these beautiful birds have also found a home in California and several European countries through successful captive breeding programs.

4. Genets: The Cuddly Hunters

Genets, related to mongooses, have captivated animal lovers for centuries. Originally used to hunt rodents, these adorable creatures have now become cherished house pets. Known for their agility and climbing skills, genets need a spacious enclosure and several hours of outdoor playtime to maintain their well-being. Early training is crucial, as they can be litter box trained and even tolerate the presence of cats and dogs if introduced at a young age.

5. Skunks: Surprisingly Affectionate Pets

While skunks may not be the first choice for a domesticated pet, it is legal to own them in select regions. Skunks bred in captivity for over 60 years have been descented to eliminate their notorious smell. However, some veterinarians argue that this process is inhumane, as skunks lose their primary defense mechanism against predators. Skunks can make affectionate companions when appropriately cared for, but they do have a mischievous side, often shredding things with their long claws if neglected.

6. Tarantulas: Creepy Yet Alluring Pets

For those seeking unique pets, tarantulas offer an intriguing choice. With over 800 species in the wild, tarantulas have gained popularity among arachnid enthusiasts. However, they are not recommended for children or individuals seeking cuddly companions. The Chilean Rose, one of the most renowned species, requires long-term commitment, as females can live up to 20 years in captivity. While their bites are venomous, they are not as dangerous as a bee sting.

7. The Wolfen: A Blend of Dolphins

Ever heard of a wolfen? This captivating animal is the result of mating a female bottlenose dolphin with a male false killer whale. Technically, both killer whales and false killer whales belong to the dolphin family, making the wolfen a blend of two dolphin species. While these extraordinary creatures have been born in captivity, they remain rare and can only be found in contained parks.

8. Wolf Dogs: A Controversial Combination

The name says it all – wolf dogs are a mix of domestic dogs and wolves. Due to centuries of domestication, dogs evolved from wolves, but this hybrid remains an ongoing controversy. While they can make affectionate pets, they come with a caveat. Wolf dogs have a more aggressive nature, inherited from their wolf genes. Owning a wolf dog requires careful consideration and a deep commitment to meeting their social and interaction needs.

9. Geep: When Goats and Sheep Collide

A geep is exactly what it sounds like – a hybrid of a goat and a sheep. Born from an accidental crossbreeding, geeps are incredibly rare, as their genetic differences often hinder survival during development. However, one lucky petting zoo in Scottsdale, Arizona, welcomed a geep in 2014. The farmer responsible for this fortuitous occurrence claimed that the breed is healthy and can even outrun most lambs.

10. Narluga: The Mysterious Arctic Hybrid

The narluga is a fascinating hybrid creature that inhabits the Arctic waters. It is a crossbreed between a narwhal and a beluga, both belonging to the same family. While narwhals sport massive horns and belugas possess teeth, the narluga combines features of both, resulting in a truly enigmatic and visually intriguing creature. Unfortunately, pictures of this rare hybrid are scarce, leaving much to the imagination.


Our world is undoubtedly a treasure trove of extraordinary creatures. From one-eyed puppies to peculiar hybrids like the narluga, these animals push the boundaries of what we consider normal. Whether they make us marvel at their unique appearances or challenge our perceptions of nature, one thing is clear: the animal kingdom never ceases to surprise and captivate us.

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What They Keep As Pets Shocked The Whole World

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